Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where did my summer go???

As my summer is about to end I am wondering where in the world it went? Two and a half months seems SO long, but its already coming to a close for me! We had a good time, many play dates with friends, two girlfriends having babies, A LOT of home improvements, swimming lessons and best of all, spending quality time with the kiddos. The end of summer is always a strange feeling for me. I love routine and knowing what to expect everyday, but on the flip side of that I miss not having to get up so early and miss the snuggling I get to do with the kids everyday. As they are growing up I am finding my time just slipping away from me, it makes me sad. I am ending my summer on a high note, it was a GREAT one. Now I will have to look forward to the weekends and long breaks we get. We went for a walk this morning and as I was pulling the wagon where they were playing and talking to each other, it hit me, I am very lucky to have two beautiful children. We have McKenna's open house for kindergarten next week, hard to believe its here. I am about to send my baby off to school where they will help prepare her for the world, we as teachers are SO lucky to have such a big responsibilty with these young minds. As for Chance, he won't start at his school until the winter, I hope they are prepared for him, because he is a handful with a curious personality.

1 comment:

Leislann said...

Wow! Your kiddos have grown so much this Summer. Little Chance has changed so much since I saw him last! I can't believe that we have Kindergartners!